Friday, November 27, 2009

Scout Rocket Blasts

Our Scout troops have been working on their Space Exploration merit badge and as part of that they went to Flaming Geyer Park to launch them off. The only problem was that someone forgot to open the gates to the park!
After being stranded for over 1/2 hour the Scoutmaster walked into the park and found someone who came and unlocked that gate. (I think someone over slept..............)

So the boys got right to setting up for the launch and really seemed to have a good time.

Erik & Eric off to launch their rockets together

The "Erik(c)'s rockets set to go. On the first launch it went really well. On the 2nd launch Erik's disappeared and he could find it for a long time. Everone was watching Eric's because it went so high and then nobody saw were Erik's went. Finally after we were eating lunch then Erik found his closer to the river.

There were so many people here. The weather was chilly but great for the launch.

Of course nothing like some food to finish it off. The Jacobsens brought Hotdogs, chips & hot chocolate! Way to go Jacobsens!

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