Thursday, July 9, 2009

The fork and the toenail

So as you most of you know one of the things I did when we remodeled our kitchen was to replace most all of my dishes, glasses, utensils and silverware. I ended up buying very heavy silverware. I really love it and have gotten used to the weight of it but today there an "incident" with a fork. Kent was very nice and had fixed me up a frozen dinner to eat and I was sitting at the island when he brought it to me. I decided to move to the table to eat my dinner and didn't realize he had placed the fork on top of the dinner. When I picked it up the fork dropped on my toe. I knew it hurt but it took a few seconds to realize that the fork had gone straight down and 2 of the prongs went into MY TOENAIL! I was bleeding right through the nail.... I don't think if you tried to drop a fork on your toe you could get the prongs to go through your nail on purpose!
Not to bad of picture below......... If you zoom in you will be able to see one of the holes it left......
Maybe I should have gone for the plastic silverware


Janet said...

I guess the meat in the dinner wasn't fresh enough for you? Be careful with those kitchen weapons!

Rachael said...

That's awful! I'm sorry about your poor toe.

Very appropriate: the word verification for this post is "outch". Ouch is right!

Aimee said...

I cringed even before I read the whole posted. OUCH!!! We almost came to see you guys today, but we just did a drive by.